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Carte interactive de l'Aveyron - Occitanie - France
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Etape de la Reine Margot - AveyronENTRAYGUES: VESTIGES DU PASSEEntraygues
LA DEMEURE OU FIT ESCALE LA "REINE MARGOT" Une belle maison Renaissance porte l'inscription: "A l'étape de la Reine Margot". Marguerite de Valois dite "la Reine Margot", fille d'Henri II de Valois et de Catherine de Médicis, naquit en 1553. Elle épousa en 1572, Henri de Navarre, le futur Henri IV. Ce mariage fut un échec et en 1585, le roi refusant. . .

Centre Presse - Actualités hotel du lion d'or - Aveyron - FranceLA PRESSE EN PARLE: LOCAL PAPER ARTICLE ABOUT INVICTA HOG-ENGLANGEntraygues
The harley Davidson everywhere in the village. 40 harley Davidson were in the village during 1 week. From Kent England, the bikers and their mythic machines were based at the Hotel du Lion d'Or. This club is about 250 members ( 500 persons includind men and women ). They were 69 bikers in the region. Two of them came from New-Zeland,. . .

Harley Davidson - Aveyron - France40 HARLEY DAVIDSON FROM INVICTA HOG - KENT - ENGLANDEntraygues
WEB : www.invictahog.co.uk

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